Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Independent Care Health Plan expands coverage for Medicaid - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

Since forming in 1994, the compang has only managed care for enrolleess ofthe state-run Medicaide and Supplemental Security Income programs, whicu provides coverage for people who are elderly or have disabilities in Milwaukee County. iCar e is a joint venture of , and the , 2020 W. Wells St. Independenr Care chief executive officer Pat Jerominski said the decisiowas logical, because about 30 percent, or of the company's 8,500 customere in Milwaukee County are "dual eligibles," meaning they qualift for both Medicaid and Medicare.
those customers were required to first submit medical claims directlyto Medicare, and only then if they'rse not covered, they turn to iCars for coverage through Medicaid. The expansion keepa that process entirely withinthe company, simplifyin g the process for customers and cutting administrativse costs. "This is a natural extension and expansio n of ourbusiness model," Jerominskoi said.

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